
Aerospace →

Step into the future of aerospace with Oklahoma. As the second largest industry in our state, aerospace has a significant impact on our economy. With expansion in space and unmanned platforms increasing in the US, Oklahoma is perfectly positioned to take advantage of this exciting opportunity.

Here’s why:

  • Our location in the center of the United States, along two major shipping routes, makes us an ideal transportation hub for the industry.

  • Oklahoma has a proven ability to meet both current and future operational demands with extensive infrastructure, including two major airfields, tech schools and experienced personnel.

  • As a hub for Amazon and with the advantage of our uncongested airspace and favorable climate, Oklahoma is already a great place for businesses to thrive.

  • We liaise with veteran and national guard units, meaning that they bring their valuable expertise to our industry while providing experienced workers for the workforce.

  • Our Unmanned Aerial Systems/research program is second to none, which makes sense for Oklahoma to pursue and develop for commercial applications.

To keep the aerospace industry growing stronger means holding on to our current companies and bringing in new ones. With our hiring flair, retaining technicians, attractive incentives and our evidence-based commitment, Oklahoma can be the place for aerospace in the future. We need to hold on to what we already have, as many companies are looking for states that can provide better support and infrastructure growth. So, we need your support to ensure the continued thriving of our aerospace industry.

I firmly believe that strong communities make for strong families. This is especially true in the neighborhoods of northwest Oklahoma City and Edmond, where our sense of community and patriotism runs deep.

In neighborhoods where neighbors know each other by name and are quick to lend a helping hand, families can feel safe and secure. When families feel supported by those around them, they are more likely to thrive and succeed in all areas of their lives. That's why it's so important for us to work together to build strong and vibrant communities in our neighborhoods.

As a community, we can work alongside our law enforcement officers to keep our streets and schools safe. Supporting our local businesses and creating opportunities for our children to play and grow will also help to strengthen the foundation of our shared values and ideals. Let's take the initiative to build stronger neighborhoods and promote healthy families, thriving businesses, and a brighter future for all. By working together, we can make our dream of a safer, happier community a reality..

Protecting our communities →

Economic Development →

Economic development is crucial to the growth and success of our city. Without a strong economy, our businesses will not be able to thrive and families will struggle to make ends meet. That's why it is vital for us to focus on creating an environment that is conducive to growth and success.

One way we can do this is by cutting back on regulations and taxes that hinder the growth of our businesses. By reducing bureaucratic red tape and keeping taxes low, we can incentivize businesses to operate in Oklahoma, which will translate to more jobs and higher incomes for our residents. In turn, this will strengthen our local economy and make our communities more prosperous.

We must work toward a higher standard of living for our citizens. When businesses thrive, they are able to contribute to the community by funding various public services, such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure. This not only benefits the businesses but also improves the quality of life for our residents. When our city has a strong economy, everyone benefits. As a conservative, I am committed to ensuring Oklahoma remains a great place to live, work, and raise a family by promoting policies that enable our economy to flourish.

Economic development brings about numerous benefits to society and its members. Firstly, it creates a higher standard of living by providing more job opportunities and higher wages, which in turn reduces poverty and increases individual income levels. Additionally, economic growth leads to increased public revenues through taxes, which allows the government to improve public services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure. This leads to an overall improvement in the quality of life for citizens.

Economic development also promotes innovation and advancements in technology through research and development undertaken by businesses. This creates new products and services that can benefit society and bring about societal advancements. Moreover, economic development leads to increased competition, which drives businesses to strive for excellence in order to remain competitive. This competition can lead to lower prices, improved products and services, and greater consumer choice.

I believe that the United States must secure its borders in order to protect American citizens and preserve American sovereignty. Border security is seen as vitally important to safeguarding American interests and preventing unauthorized entry into the country.

Border security is crucial because it helps to reduce crime, prevent drug trafficking and illegal immigration. By securing the border, the United States can ensure that only those who are authorized to enter the country are allowed in, thereby preventing criminals and other dangerous individuals from gaining access to American soil.

Additionally, border security is important for maintaining the country’s economic stability. This is because unauthorized immigration can place a strain on public resources and reduce job opportunities for American citizens. By preventing unauthorized immigration and protecting American jobs, border security is seen as a crucial component of economic growth and prosperity.

By securing the border, we can protect American citizens and preserve American sovereignty, prevent crime, drug trafficking, and illegal immigration, and maintain the country’s economic stability.

Border Security →

I firmly believe that strong communities make for strong families. A cornerstone of a strong community is the bond we share with our first responders. This is especially true in the neighborhoods of northwest Oklahoma City and Edmond, where patriotism runs deep and support for our Police and Firefighters is second to none. I appreciate the selfless service of our first responders and believe all Oklahomans owe them a debt of gratitude and unyielding support.

As a community, we can work alongside our law enforcement officers to keep our streets and schools safe.  Safe communities support our local businesses and create opportunities for our children to play and grow, strengthening the foundation of our shared values and ideals. Let's take the initiative to build stronger neighborhoods and promote healthy families, thriving businesses, and a brighter future for all. By working together, we can make our dream of a safer, happier community a reality.

First Responders →